Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Definition of Love

Ah, February! The month of love... right? And for some crazy reason, I love the month of February. I have always thought it was such a cute month to have a birthday. Weird, I know haha. Especially considering that February is usually such a cold and dreary month. However, this year has been quite the exception. It feels like spring time and you better believe Hunter and I have been taking advantage of going on walks and visiting the park in this gorgeous weather. Yay for February in Utah this year!

We have had lots of fun since I last blogged! We have taken a few little family adventures here and there and with a growing baby, life is always pretty exciting. Hunter brings so much life and light to our lives.

So what have we been up to you might ask? 

We had a wonderful night with my brother Matt and sister (in-law) Brynnly. We were never able to see each other over the Christmas holiday, so they came down and we made these AMAZING homemade pizzas. If anyone knows Brynnly, you know how incredible she is. She does it all...and cooking is definitely one of her specialties. Just looking at this makes my mouth water. 

We have been battling with taking bottles. Hunter used to be a bottle champ when we would give him one. And then, we went probably about a month or so without feeding him from a bottle. My bad, I guess. It just is a lot more convenient (when I am with Hunter) to nurse him, rather than pump and then bottle feed. So now he won't take a bottle. We have tried about different brands of bottles and all kinds of positions, most resulting in him swatting it away and dripping milk all over him. Grrrr! So finally, we tried the Lansinoh brand bottle and HE TOOK IT while sitting in the car seat with a bib. Don't worry though, that only lasted about one or two feedings. Then he swatted that one away too. So we are back to solely nursing. That little punk haha.

We went to Park City one weekend in January. It just so happened to be the same weekend as the Sundance Film Festival... whoops! We didn't plan that one out too well. So Main Street in Park City was so crowded that we drove down it once and called it good. We spent most of our time just driving around and hanging out at the outlets. I had never been to Park City before and it was a quaint little place. I would love to go back when there isn't so much going on.

We saw these little shoes at the Nike store and just died! Hunter's feet weren't quite big enough to fit in them, but they are awfully cute. His basketball loving uncles would be thrilled to see him rocking these Jordans.

We also were able to get together and catch up with some dear, dear friends. I love these girls and their hubbies and we just don't see each other enough. So this quick get together was just the ticket!

Hunter is my little buddy during the days. We only have one car which Eric usually takes to school and work. So Hunter and I do lots and lots of walking. He is such a trooper, but he is actually the one who loves the walks probably more than me. We pack up in his stroller or the front pack almost every day (especially because of this amazing weather!) and have us a good ol' time. Even when the weather isn't amazing, he likes being outside. And considering our small apartment only has so much to do, can you blame him for loving to get out?

Eric and I decided to go to the BYU basketball game last week. With this being Eric's senior year, he only has a few more times to live up the games as a student. And ever since  Hunter was born, it has been a lot harder to get to the games. So this was a fun treat... Cougar Tail and everything included! 

Valentine's Day was one for the memory books! This was our third Valentines Day being married and the first that I haven't been teaching school. Valentine's Day in elementary school is SO hyped up and exciting! So I did miss that quite a bit (not to mention all the awesome valentines you get from students), but this one was quite unforgettable too. We made a yummy little breakfast and then headed to Hogle Zoo with my family. It was fun to get all together again (the last time was at Thanksgiving). And I tell you what, I could go to the zoo like once a month and still love it! I think the animals are so fascinating, even if they look a little miserable. :( We ended the night with a yummy meal at Red Robin and then came home and enjoyed some Martinelli's and chocolate covered strawberries. Mmmm!

Valentine's Jammies!

Well with all these good things happening, there has to be something not so good in there too, right? Opposition in all things, I suppose. Our sweet baby started acting a little sick on Sunday and has been running a fever for a few days. His cough started sounding really wheezy and painful so I took him into the doctor yesterday. And the verdict is.... bronchiolitis and RSV. Boo! This poor little baby just hasn't been able to fully recover this winter. Well, none of us have, really. We have just been slammed with all the gunk and yuckiness of the winter. So he is hurting pretty bad today and we've just been taking it easy. It is hard to see your baby in pain... I wish I could just take it from him. But I guess there are some things we can only learn through being a parent. This is helping me gain some perspective of how our Father in Heaven must feel when we disobey or are sick or feel sad. 

Luckily, Hunter's case of RSV isn't extreme (as of now) and will hopefully go away within the next week or two (at least that's what the doctor projected). We're crossing our fingers. RSV can go from good to bad so quickly. But for now, he's hanging in there. So we have a lot to be grateful for. There are so many things my heart loves, and this past month I have been able to enjoy so many of those things... especially the two loves of my life, Eric and Hunter. I am grateful I get to spend my days learning and growing with them. My definition of love has definitely evolved this past year. My capacity to love has grown and deepened as I have become a mother and watched Eric become a father. I kind of feel like the grinch with my heart growing a few sizes, sometimes feeling like it might just burst because it is so full! What a fun thing we get to celebrate in February. Mmmm, I love love!

Just a few more of my favorites...

"Sunshine is my favorite accessory."

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