Monday, February 2, 2015

Small Moments

I have been taking a bunch of little videos lately of Hunter and his daily doings.... mostly so that I can send them to Eric so he can see our sweet boy during the day. I am really loving these though, because it will help me remember his fun little personality that is becoming bigger and bigger every day. He is such a delight. I love him with every little piece of my heart. Here are a few of my favorites. This babe is a hoot. I can't wait for him to watch these old videos one day!

He found a toy at my parents house (over Christmas break) that he got quite a kick out of.

This could entertain him for hours.

I promise that this was a brand new duster. :)

I set Hunter down to get his bath ready and this is what I came back to find. 

His first time sitting in a booster chair at Panda Express. He was having a blast!

We had some old food storage that we were getting rid of,
but Hunter was having a hard time giving it up. ;)

What can I say? He knows the good stuff...

What he likes to do instead of take naps...

Eric and I were playing that game with a balloon where you have to keep it up in the air today and Hunter was dying of laughter! He thought it was the funnest thing ever. If only I could have captured that one in a video.... but it was too much fun to be there in the moment. 

I'm grateful for small moments each day that bring such joy to my life. Sometimes the small moments can get disregarded and pushed to the curb. But there is nothing like giving my baby hugs and kisses, watching him discover new things, sharing a snuggle with my dear Eric, and going to bed knowing that I have been blessed with the best boys. The Lord has been very good to me. I know He is mindful of us all and blesses us with small moments each day. 

"O, sun[shine]! The most precious gold to be found on Earth."
-Roman Payne

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