Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Weekend Shenanigans

This past weekend was a blast and very special, in so many ways! So considering it is now Wednesday, I'd say it is about time that I got to blogging about it. Well, first things first:

On Thursday, we had the fun opportunity to learn a little choreography for a flash mob that the BYU Young Ambassadors were putting together for BYU's homecoming week. All of the Sackett kids have been on the performing group, and Eric's sister, Megan, is on the group right now. So we went to support her and were able to put on our boogie shoes. Afterward, we walked along this beautiful pathway on campus to the duck pond. Eric said that he thinks about bringing us here every day that he walks past it, so it was extra special for us to get to be there. Hunter was a bit young to appreciate the ducks haha, but maybe next year when he is walking, he can waddle along with the little duckies. Nonetheless, it is always the best spending time with these boys.

This was the day that we were able to perform the flash mob at the Riverwoods in Provo. It was a fun experience and we were happy to be able to help out and support family. What impressed me the most was Eric's parents! They learned the choreography and did the dance with everyone else. I'm pretty sure they were the only grandparents out there doing that. Woo hoo! That's pretty awesome. Here is the music video that the YA's put together of the flash mob. If you look close, you will see his parents dancing! And if you look really close, you can sneak a really fast peek of Eric.


Saturday was a glorious day, in every sense of the word. We started our morning off by taking a drive up beautiful Provo canyon. The leaves are in their autumn prime and we knew we would feel so sad if we missed out on spending time in the mountains before it got too cold. We packed up Hunter and headed to Squaw Peak. Then we strapped him in his carrier and hiked around the mountain. He was such a trooper and loved it! Eric and I just kept finding ourselves in awe of the beauty all around us. The leaves were all changing and dying, but we discovered that there can even be such beauty in death.  I'm sure that Heavenly Father must sit back so pleased with the color combinations of autumn. They are SO majestic!

Saturday afternoon, we took Hunter to his very first movie! He did so great, too. Just throwing that out there haha. We went to the new film Meet the Mormons and boy, was it awesome! I should have figured it would be because everything the LDS church does is just top notch! But I went into the film not super excited, thinking it would be a plain documentary of LDS people. However, I was sweetly surprised at how entertaining and inspiring the documentary was. And so heartfelt... Watch out if you haven't seen it yet. You may or may not shed some tears. Consider yourself warned! :)

"Glorious" sung by David Archuleta is played in this movie. What an inspiring song!

That night, we had the awesome opportunity to go see Hudson Lights perform. If you have never heard of this group, you seriously need to YouTube these guys. They are amazing! Our good friend, Ross Welch, is a member of the group. The Welchs lived underneath us for a year and a half until they moved to Lincoln, NE in August for school. We are SO SAD they are gone. Seriously, we go through withdrawals all of the time. So it was such a blast to see them again and get to spend a little time with them during their quick trip to Utah. 

Sunday was such a special day for our little family of three. We started the morning off by having a deeeelish breakfast at the Patricks. The Welchs came over too and we had a fun morning together as friends.

But perhaps the most special part of the day was Hunter's baby blessing. If I told you why it took us four months to finally get him blessed, this blog post would be forever haha. So in a nutshell, we just had so many things come up on Sundays for like the past month and a half, resulting in him being four months when he was blessed. You know, it wasn't all that bad having him a little older though. My dad said he was very inquisitive during the actual blessing. He just was staring at all of the men circling him. And afterward when Eric held him up, he was wide-eyed and looking around. Super cute and funny!

Eric had been thinking about this blessing for a really long time. Maybe nerves for giving his first baby blessing were setting in early on? I don't know. But I do know that Eric is in love with his little boy. He was so thoughtful and deliberate with the things he blessed Hunter with. We both agree that Hunter has such a sweet spirit about him. He makes us want to be better each and every day. I am thankful for a husband who holds the priesthood and exercises it with authority. What a blessing to have a priesthood holder presiding over our home. I am also thankful for a son who brings the light of Christ into our home.

We had so many wonderful friends and dear family members come to support Hunter on his special day. I couldn't say thank you enough to our parents and siblings and close friends for the way they show their love to us. Now that I am a mom, I am blown away at all the things my mom [and dad] have done and continue to do for me. Parenthood is truly the definition of selfless sacrifice. I would give anything and do anything for Hunter. And gosh, he is only 4 months old!

So after a weekend full of exciting shenanigans, we are back to the grind of real life. Let's be honest, that mostly applies to Eric, because he is the one cranking out the crazy schedule. But, Hunter and I are back in the groove of our schedule too. It took him a good day or two to recuperate from being passed around all day on Sunday haha. This weekend is BYU's homecoming, so that should provide some fun for us. This will be Eric's last homecoming as a student.... YAY for him graduating this spring! I am so grateful for fun-filled weekends that bring such joy and sunshine into our lives.

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow."
-Helen Keller

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